At an unusual time of the day – when everybody else is trying to protect themselves from the burning heat of the merciless sun - a Samaritan woman comes to Jacob’s well to draw water. Being a Samaritan woman is not a problem at this site, but being a lady with a questionable reputation for having serial sexual relationships does make her feel uncomfortable when other women are around. When everybody is gone, it seems safe for her to go to the well. But why is that Jewish man still sitting there in the shade and what does he want from her? Water? But he has nothing to draw with – or has he? Did he draw her with his unconditional love?
Dear Lord, I don’t want to exclude people, but secretly I still do. Sometimes I even exclude myself because I feel too embarrassed, too guilty and too unworthy to come into your presence. But there you are, waiting for me, asking for a little favour. It’s my pleasure, Lord. What can I do for you?
I want to be just as political incorrect as you are, Jesus. I don’t want to ignore or exclude people, I don’t want to be blind for their feelings of embarrassment and rejection and deeper needs for love and acceptance. I come to you, Lord, although I can’t even bring my own empty bucket. Silly man I am. But I do have a bottomless pit, a deep desire that only you can truly fulfil. Please come and pour your love into my heart till it overflows with compassion for all the lost people you came to serve and rescue.